Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hoping and hopping

You should've seen me today, hopping around and praising God for THIS!!

I honestly cannot believe it. I peed in a cup and dipped the thingy in there and before I even laid the darn thing down, the control turned blue and low and behold...a second line began to emerge! Like, instantly!!

I said, "No way," and was looking back and forth between the instructions and the test. It is so surreal, thinking you'll see another negative, yet hoping upon hope that your suspicions are right...and then there's this second line. A really obivous line.

I had to leave the bathroom and come back again, just to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me!! I held that thing up and analyzed it and blinked and grinned...and went running for the camera, saying, "This can't be happeneing!!"

For the pictures, I wrote 9-2 on the sticks and as I did I said, "I wonder if the date is significant."

All the sudden it hit me...

9 + 2 = 11

Eleven is our number.

I said, "Lord, you are too funny!!" And then I just praised Him and praised Him.

I still can't believe it. It "took" on the first try TWICE!

I'm a bundle of emotions. I'll keep writing soon. For tonight, I'm achy and tired and so happy!!

Hoping still

Based on my loose calculations, I'm about 14 days post-ov and no period yet. Feeling tired and crampy but that can be pregnancy or impending period, so that's no help. No spotting, though. I'm betting I ovulated later than I think I did.
I took a $1 test this a.m. and it was clearly negative. I'll give it a day or two and test again but after that, I'll know it didn't "take."
I hate waiting.
But God's plan is best and I'm OK with whatever. Really.