Thursday, March 13, 2008

not pregnant

So I've been feeling crampy with a back-ache and some nausea, plus a few other weird symptoms, and no period. I woke up today, still feeling crampy and nauseated and no period--so I finally tested just to get it over with. NOT pregnant--which is such a relief!! Of course I'd be thrilled if I were but I SO wanted to miss the Nov./Dec. window!! Now that March is almost half over, we're out of the woods for a Nov./Dec. baby and I'll probably be fertile again in mid-April, which will put me due in mid-January at the earliest--which is great!! After that, I'm totally OK with being due in Feb., March, April, May, even June!! After that, we'll re-evaluate. I don't do well in the heat, pregnant or not.
Our stress levels are so much better now that The Paladin got his new job. We've got to get Monkey into a better nighttime routine--two weekends (and this one coming, too) with company in town means we ALL keep crazy hours--and I've got to get healthier--then we'll be all set to start trying again! Last time, it took us about four solid attempts but ya never know--plenty of people get it on the first try!!
I've already lost 3-4 lbs. and counting...and have cut a lot of the sugar and dairy, my two worst enemies. This tummy/back ache is still a mystery--I need to start doing yoga again!! Is it due to the excitement?? And stress?? My body reacts like this to good AND bad stress--it doesn't seem to know the difference. Everything registers in my belly--weird.
ANYway, this cycle is dragging on--I'll be SO happy to have it behind me so we can move on!!! I am charting my temps again--they've been the same 97.7 yesterday and today. Doesn't look like I ovulated yet, and probably won't, since we're already over 40 days into it!! That happens to me every eight to twelve months or so--but the good news is, the cycle following an annovulatory cycle is usually a strong one with a nice, long fertile time.
And so it begins. Will keep you posted!!! Pray for us and the perfect egg!! Heehee, with Easter coming, that's kind of funny...

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