Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Woo-hoo!! It's March!!

It's a shame we're not trying yet cuz, WHOA, am I fertile!! Yikes! I hope it's this obvious next cycle, assuming we do decide to try then. This cycle is turning out to be quite long...it'll end up being at least 6 weeks long, which means I probably won't be fertile again until mid-April. Which works well!!
Drew's job situation is still up in the air but he has a good possibility tomorrow so if it goes through and everything works out, we'll definitely be "on" for trying in April. I attended a funeral today for a lady I played Bunco with. She was only 64 and died in her sleep, leaving behind two kids (her daughter still plays with us) and five grandsons. She was a dear woman, we will miss her. The pastor brought the family up front and said, "See? She said 'yes' to God and had these two beautiful children. Then her children both said 'yes' to God. Here is the result." It was touching. I thought, "I hope we can say 'yes' to God soon." I certainly do believe that children are a gift from God but I also believe we have a certain level of responsibility in how and when we bring them into the world. I've heard it many times--so many women that wish they'd started having children sooner, or wish they'd have had more. I've said it before and I'll say it again--having children is a huge leap of faith. We felt it wasn't the right time yet--but are now starting to feel a new season of life begin and are finally feeling God's nod of approval to say, "It's time." It's been hard in some ways to wait and only God knows how long the wait will continue but I'm looking forward to syncing up with God's plan to expand our family. It's scary. And exciting.
I love the idea of having a newborn this time next year--SPRING! How appropriate. I'd love to be hugely pregnant at Christmas then have a beautiful little bundle at church on Easter--but that's my plan. God may have other ideas.
But we made it to March and I'm feeling relieved. No baby in '08!! That was my goal. So far, my plan is working! :)

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