Friday, August 1, 2008

Aunt Flo #2

Yup, she arrived in town Wednesday. Full force, mind you. Lovely. That means this cycle was about 7 weeks long. Yeesh.

I'm having a lot more clots than usual, still. Pre-pregancy, I hardly ever had those. I wonder if my body, then, is still recovering from the miscarriage.
My hubby thinks we can try this cycle, cuz it's cycle #3, post-miscarriage. I'm telling him, "No, I think they meant COMPLETE three cycles first." Like, three periods. This is #2. Not start trying again IN cycle #3.

I dunno, now I need to research it more. I have cut down on the junk food and have been trying to eat more healthily. I have plans to Gazelle more often, too, possibly during "What Not To Wear." I need to do better about taking my vitamins, though.
So...we'll see. I suppose there is a chance we could be "trying" again in a few weeks, or it may be another 6-plus weeks away. Or longer!!

And still I have hesitations. There are moments when I can picture us with another child, being a family of four, with Monkey as an older brother. I do want more children, at least in theory!

And then there's the reality of nursing a newborn again, dealing with two car seats and dragging two kids to the grocery store and where everyone would sleep and the expense, not to mention being pregnant and giving birth again...and I go, "I'm not ready." I'm still a little scared. Sex still hurts from Monkey's birth, and that was over 2.5 years ago!! Labor could be awful!! Can I even handle two kids????

So. I don't feel ready. Hubby is!! We're not getting any younger. We're looking at kids well over 3 years apart. Life keeps marching on. Everyone else is handling two and two-plus kids just fine, or so it seems.
Ultimately, it's in the Lord's hands.
We shall see.

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