Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cycle starting July 30

So I'm aiming to lose 15 lbs.
Maybe before getting pregnant...maybe not. If the goal gets interrupted, that's fine, but if I don't get pregnant, I'll push ahead and shoot for the 155lb. mark. I've already dropped 2-3 just within the week or so since I started cutting back and I feel better already, too. A LOT less fast food, junk food and sugar. No wonder I feel better!!

In other news, this is looking like a fertile cycle. I'm a little over a week past my period ending--12 days into this cycle, total--and the fluid is on the rise!! Yesterday, it hit me in the leg again, but it was the beige, stringy kind--not truly fertile. But still. Maybe my hormones are normalizing.
So we'll take it a day at a time. I'm thinking we'll do the "not trying, not preventing" tactic this cycle. I've been known to plan for that, then know I'm fertile and TRY anyway. It'd hard not to, with as well as I know my body.

I like to keep track of this, too:

Conceive in Aug...due in May
Conceive in Sept.....due in June
Conceive in Oct...due in July...

and so on. Approximately.

With Monkey, I got pregnant on or very near to Feb. 27 and gave birth Nov. 26. Almost 9 months to the day from conception to birth.

Best-case scenario and IF we got pregnant this cycle, I doubt I'd know I was pregnant before September, but I probably would conceive in August. May would be nice!! A summer due date...yikes. But after a miscarriage, you know I'll never be picky again!!

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