I'M PREGNANT!!!! I actually can't believe it, reading back over the last few entries. I guess I was feeling pretty sure. Or at least hopeful. And, YES, it "took." I don't feel silly at all!! :)
We ere suspicious toward the end of last week so I was taking a cheapy pregnancy test every day...Wednesday, Thursday, Friday AND Saturday's were nagative. Then...Sunday morning, it was there, but definitely faint. I tortured myself all day and when I mentioned it to our home group, the ladies said, "Faint means you are!!" So...I got a more expensive test afterward and, since there were two in the pack, took one Sunday night and, yes, positive. Still light! But there. Which counts, evidently.
So Monday morning, I was eager to test again. High temp--check. No AF--check. Pregnancy test? Positive. Undeniably. It didn't come out well in the picture, but my SIL and The Paladin confirmed my suspicions. My husband acted so UNsurprised. He had told me, "It'll happen soon," but...first try??? Come on!! I could hardly believe it. No waiting and wondering?? Ooooooh, do I feel blessed!!!
My temps are even higher now so progesterone levels seem to be just fine. I'm feeling a little tired and crabby but nothing major. I've got a mega shopping list going since I'm now in a "critical phase" of baby development. Eating well is no problem for me and I'm even kind of over-eating, assuming I'll feel yucky any day now and have a harder time getting all the nutrients I need. In the early part of Monkey's pregnancy, all I wanted was spaghetti o's and crackers for lunch aand lots and lots of grape juice. No cravings yet...but I'm definitely more sensitive to smells now so that makes it harder. My bananas can't be mushy, either. Blech.
So...here I am. Preggers. It actually worked. And the first time trying!! I am amazed.
Here's the vital info.:
I'm just a month along now. My weeks start on Monday, so that's convenient!! Hey, I'm a third of the way through the first trimester!! :) I remember someone telling me that with Monkey and I felt strangely relieved about that.
My due date is a little disappointing. I didn't think it would "take" so soon, so I was counting on not having a baby until 2009! My due date, based on almost every source, is the end of December. Dec. 28th to be exact. Now, Monkey was born 6 days after my due date but I've heard that second babies often come sooner. So we're definitely going to be on pins and needles as the holidays approach. I'm going to need a lot of very BIG, dressy maternity clothes for all of our festivities!! And there's always the chance the baby will be born on Christmas day, NY Eve or NY Day! Yikes!! That'd be quite a way to ring in the new year!! Or it could be early January. No matter what, it'll make birthday parties difficult, just like for the rest of us.
But...I'm not complaining!! I'll take that over having had to wait another however many months ANY day. I hate the waiting!! God must've just been waiting for us to synch up with His plan. Or He's just blessing me, knowing how the waiting makes me crazy.
Monkey will be just over 3 years old, which is lovely. Potty trained and Mom's big helper! Love it!
We've got a lot of planning to do...lots to do.
I'm so excited!!
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